Friday, May 16, 2008

Metros - Cities that never sleep

India is country full of a mixture of cultures, religions, languages and people from different strata of society.The climates vary from north to south and so does the food and the style of dressings. There is also a huge divide of rural and urban areas in the country. Still there are villages which do not have the basic amenities of electricity and on the other hand cities like Mumbai can blind you with huge, brightly lit billboards and streets. So in this land of contradictions, life continues to throb and people still pursue to make ends meet. Lets take a look at the famous cities in India. The four main metropolitan cities of India are Delhi, Kolkatta, Mumbai and Chennai. But with the advent of the huge IT industrial success, Bangalore and Hyderabad has also joined the list.

More about the Metro Cities of India.

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