Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Goan Cuisine: 10 Dishes that Scream GOA!

The small Western State of Goa in India is ever famous for three things...the beaches, it's easy-going nature and it's FOOD..Goan Cuisine. The men of Goa with their pot bellies are evidence of the fact that Goans love their Food.

The Goan cuisine is an interesting mix of varied influences. The long period of Portuguese rule, besides that of the Muslim and Hindu kingdoms, has left an indelible influence on the original style of Goan cooking and this has led to an exotic mix of truly tasty and spicy cuisine. Most people who sample Goan cuisine, enjoy this different and unique style of food which has a distinct and unique combination of spicy flavours....Read more

Here are the 10 Most Popular Dishes of Goa

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