Friday, June 6, 2008

Author on the Rise: Chetan Bhagat

Chetan Bhagat is a best-selling Indian author who's most notable novel is a story about three friends in IIT who are unable to cope - Five Point Someone- What not to do at IIT.
Based on real events, his most third and most recent book to hit stands 'The 3 Mistakes of my Life' is a dark, witty tale about modern India. He is also the scriptwriter for 'Hello', the Bollywood movie based on his second book One Night @ the Call Center.
So here's more about this Best-selling Author and his work...Read More

The book based on real life events begins in a dramatic fashion with Bhagat receiving an e-mail from Govind a fan who had taken many sleeping pills and was writing to him while waiting for the deadly sleep’s embrace. Chetan was shaken enough by the incident to track the boy down to an Ahmedabad hospital. Fortunately he was still alive to tell the tale. The book is loosely based on the three mistakes Govind made in his life....Read More

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